1. The Village Green Property Owners' annual assessment is $150 per year. 
  2. The annual assessment is due by January 2. There is a $25 late fee for late assessments. 
  3. Village Green is a deed-restricted community. 
  4. For Estoppel Letter requests please contact the Board Treasurer Tony Felici at [email protected] 
  5. Board meetings are held quarterly and all property owners are encouraged to attend. 
  6. All house plans must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee prior to the application of building permit. See Deed Restriction #6. 
  7. Requests for changes to the exterior or additions to existing homes must be put in writing and submitted to the Architectural Control Committee for approval before the project begins. See Deed Restriction #6. 
  8. Requests for tree removal (trees over 6" in diameter) must be submitted to the Board for approval.